Pre-Competition Body Weight, Hydration, and Stress Hormone Changes Among Wrestlers
Body Weight Loss, Electrolyte, Hydration, Stress Hormones, Plasma OsmolarityAbstract
Reducing pre-competition body weight in wrestlers is a widely used method. However, losing weight fast in a short time influences athletes’ hydration levels, electrolyte levels and stress status negatively. The purpose of the study was to determine wrestlers’ pre-competition body weights, hydration and electrolyte levels and stress hormone changes. The study sample was composed of 24 young male wrestlers. Wrestlers’ pre-tests were performed 20 days before competition and post-tests were performed at competition weighing-time. With tests, wrestlers’ body weights and heights were measured. Also, with the help of the specialists, 5 cc. of blood samples were drawn from forearm veins of the participant wrestlers. According to plasma osmolarity (POsm) levels of the wrestlers, their hydration status was evaluated. Also, analyses were made for potassium, calcium, chloride, magnesium and iron electrolyte levels as well as stress hormones such as cortisol, prolactin, total testosterone and insulin hormone. For the analyses of the data; descriptive statistics and Wilcoxon Rank test were employed. Correlation between plasma osmolarity and hormones was assessed using Spearman correlation coefficient. There were significant differences between wrestlers’ pre-test and post-test measurements in terms of body weights, plasma osmolarity, cortisol, prolactin, total testosterone, sodium, potassium, chloride, iron and magnesium values. It was identified that during pre-competition wrestlers’ body weights reduced by 3.96% and they became subjected to dehydration, their cortisol and prolactin hormones increased but their total testosterone decreased.
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