Effects of Twelve Week Multi-Skills Movement Programme on Motor Development in 7-10 Years Old Boys
Motor Development, Gross Motor Development, TGMD-2, Multi-SkillsAbstract
Motor development is an important factor affecting the health status physically, psychologically and socially in both childhood and adulthood. It is important to develop motor skills starting from childhood and to participate in a variety of physical activities for this. In this study, it is aimed to reveal the motor development of 7-10 years old boys who receive multi-skill movement training outside of school and to examine the developmental differences. 61 volunteer participated in the study, the sample was divided into 31 students as a control group and 30 students as an intervention group receiving multi-skill movement training outside of school. The Test of Gross Motor Development-2 test, which includes locomotor and object control skill subtests, was applied to monitor the motor development of the children participating in the study. Gross motor skill scores from these two subtests were evaluated. At the end of the 12-week movement program, the study group showed a statistically significant improvement in gross motor skills, object control and locomotor sub-skills compared to the control group. A statistically significant improvement was found only in the object control sub-skill in the control group, whose in-school movement education continued. As a result, physical education activities at schools should be evaluated in terms of their duration and content, and children's participation in physical activities that show diversity should be evaluated in terms of motor development.
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