The Role of Protein Supplements in Exercise
Exercise, Casein, Leucine, Protein, WheyAbstract
This review aims to evaluate the structure, physiological effects, purposes of use, potential health risks, benefits, and proper usage of different types of proteins in light of scientific evidence, with a focus on examining the role of protein supplements in sports nutrition and strategies for their optimal use based on current literature. Protein supplements play a critical role in optimizing physical performance and adaptation by supporting muscle repair, recovery, and growth during exercise. Various types of proteins, including whey, casein, branched-chain amino acids, plant-based proteins (such as soy, pea, and hemp), and collagen, offer distinct advantages and disadvantages in terms of bioavailability, amino acid profile, and metabolic effects. Whey protein supports post-exercise recovery due to its rapid absorption and high leucine content, while casein protein prevents muscle breakdown overnight through its slow digestion. Branched-chain amino acids promote protein synthesis and enhance endurance by activating the mammalian target of rapamycin signaling pathway, playing a significant role in reducing muscle damage. Plant-based proteins represent a valuable alternative to animal proteins due to considerations of sustainability, environmental impact, and ethical concerns, though their bioavailability limitations may need to be addressed through various dietary combinations. Data from scientific databases highlight the contributions of protein supplements to muscle mass gain, strength improvement, and recovery processes. However, it has been emphasized that such supplements cannot replace a balanced diet. Uninformed or excessive use may lead to risks such as digestive discomfort, kidney dysfunction, and nutritional imbalances. Therefore, it is recommended that protein selection be tailored to individual needs and health status, with prior consultation with a healthcare professional. Moreover, choosing high-quality and reliable products can help mitigate health risks. Future research should further investigate the effects of individual variability on protein efficacy and explore the potential of sustainable protein sources in sports nutrition in greater detail.
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