Investigation Of Orthorexia Nervosa And Exercise Addiction In Fitness Participants
Eating Attitude, Exercise Addiction, Fitness, Orthorexia NervosaAbstract
The obsessive attitudes of individuals who exercise in fitness centers about nutrition and exercise may be affected and correlated with each other through different variables. In this regard the aim of the research is to examine the relationship between the levels of orthorexia nervosa and exercise addiction among individuals and reveal the relationship between the levels of orthorexia nervosa and exercise addiction with some variables who exercise in fitness centers. A total of 436 individuals, who were selected using a convenience sampling method from fitness centers in Mersin, participated in the research. The "Demographic Information Form," "ORTO-11 Scale," and "Exercise Addiction-21 Scale" were used as data collection tools. Descriptive statistics, independent t-tests for binary comparisons, and One Way Anova tests for multiple comparisons were utilized in the analysis of the data, based on the results of normality tests. Additionally, Pearson Correlation Analysis was conducted to reveal the possible relationship between the dependent variables. In terms of exercise addiction, gender and marital status variables showed significant differences. It is seen that there is a negative and low level significant relationship between exercise addiction and orthorexia nervosa scores of individuals who go to fitness centers. In conclusion, exercise addiction of fitness center-goers and its relationship with orthorexia nervosa may contribute to trainers in the light of this information. Further studies can be conducted with more samples and with individuals who prefer different types of exercise.
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