Comparison of Healthy Lifestyle Behaviors of Faculty of Sports Sciences and Faculty of Education Students
University Student, Health Lifestyle, BehaviorAbstract
The aim of this study is to investigate the healthy lifestyle behaviors of Mersin University Sports Sciences Faculty and Mersin University Education Faculty students. The sample of the research consisted of 532 students from the faculty of sports sciences and the faculty of education. The data was obtained with the “Personal Information Form” and “Healthy Lifestyle Behaviors Scale II” developed by the researcher. T-test was used in statistical analysis.
In the study, while there was no significant difference in spirituality, stress management subscale and total scale scoring when compared by gender (p>0.05), a significant difference was detected in the nutrition, physical activity, health responsibility and interpersonal relations dimensions (p<0.05 and p). <0.001). While there was no difference in the spirituality subscale in the comparison according to the type of faculty studied (p>0.05), a significant difference was found in the nutrition, physical activity, health responsibility and interpersonal relations stress management subscale and total scale scoring (p<0.05 and p <0.001).
Result: Perceptions of healthy lifestyle behaviors of sports science and education faculty students were found to be similar in total, although there were differences in sub-dimensions according to gender. Sports science students' healthy lifestyle behavior perception scores were higher than education faculty students. This situation shows us that university students who do not receive sports training or do not do sports are less competent in terms of healthy lifestyle behaviors than sports science students.
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